Need help with your health and fitness goals?

My name is Lea Genders, and I am a personal trainer, running and health coach here to help you achieve your health and fitness goals!

How Can I Help You Reach Your Goals?

Get a free, no-obligation custom macro, calorie, and portion guide with any coaching application! 

Available Trainings

Coaching Application

Interested in getting personalized support for your health, fitness, and wellness goals to maximize your results? This is for you.

What's Included in Your Coaching Package:

  • Personalized Health Assessment: We'll start by understanding your current goals, lifestyle, experience, and abilities.

  • Customized Action Plan: We will work together to establish a detailed plan covering exercise, nutritional, and lifestyle action plans aligned with your goals and abilities. 

  • Regular Check-ins: Stay motivated and accountable with scheduled check-ins to discuss progress, address concerns, and celebrate victories. Weekly 30-minute check-ins via Zoom or phone. Ongoing digital communication as needed.

  • Ongoing Support: I'm here for you every step of the way. Have questions or need encouragement between sessions? Reach out anytime.

Private Client Portal

The private client portal allows current clients to access files, education, and history. If you are interested, please contact or fill out a coaching application.

Custom Nutrition Calorie, Macro, and Portion Guide

Click here to get it free when you submit a coaching application. No obligation!

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or get stronger or faster, doing the workouts isn't enough for most people. Most of us mere mortals need to eat well to support our goals, get enough sleep, manage stress, and improve our daily habits. These things are often the missing piece of the puzzle when working hard but still not achieving our goals.

If nutrition is your weakest link, focusing on what you eat can help create lifelong habits that will benefit your health and fitness. What is measured is managed. 

The custom calorie, macro, and portion guide will give you ideas on proper portions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats and some meal planning ideas. You can use this information to learn how to make healthy choices that work best for your goals, preferences, and lifestyle.

Click here to get it free when you submit a coaching application. No obligation!

5 Day Strength Training For Runners Challenge

Runners who strength train are stronger, faster, and less prone to injury!

If you're a runner that isn't currently strength training consistently and you need to incorporate running-specific strength into your workouts, but are not sure how to fit it all in, I created this five-day strength training for runners challenge for you.

5-Week Kettlebell Training for Runners

This kettlebell program is a five-week introduction to strength training for runners. Perfect for runners who are not currently consistently strength training but want to reap the benefits of improved running performance and injury prevention.

Beginner's 5K Training Schedule

Train to run strong with this beginner's 5K training plan. This plan includes the walk-to-run interval method, so you can go from walking to running, strength training exercises to improve performance, and reduce injury risk, and six weeks of training at your own pace. 

The program is delivered as a downloadable PDF. It doesn't include any ongoing coaching or daily emails with workouts like my coaching clients receive, but I am available via e-mail for any specific questions about the plan. It is for people who have some experience and know what to do but need some structure to their training.

5K to 10K Training Schedule

You completed your first 5K! Congratulations! Now what? You keep training!

A 10K is 6.2 miles. If you can currently run or run/walk a 5K, you can train to run a strong 10K in six weeks. This training schedule includes three running days per week, one or two runner-specific strength training days, and of course, rest days to recover hard!

This plan is intended for beginner runners who can currently run a 5K, and are willing to put in the work over the next six weeks to run a 10K. When you follow this plan, you will increase endurance so that you can cross the 10K finish line for the first time (or after a long break).

The program is delivered as a downloadable PDF. It doesn't include any ongoing coaching or daily emails with workouts like my coaching clients receive, but I am available via e-mail for any specific questions about the plan. It is for people who have some experience and know what to do but need some structure to their training.

10K to Half Marathon 12-week Training Schedule

If you can run a 10K, you're ready to tackle the next milestone, a half marathon!

A 10K is 6.2 miles. If you can currently run or run/walk a 10K, you can train to run a strong half marathon, 13.1 miles, in twelve weeks. This training schedule includes running workouts, strength training workouts, and rest days.

This plan is intended for beginner runners who can currently run a 10K, and are willing to put in the work over the next twelve weeks to run a half marathon. When you follow this plan, you will increase your endurance so that you can cross the half-marathon finish line strong! 

The program is delivered as a downloadable PDF. It doesn't include any ongoing coaching or daily emails with workouts like my coaching clients receive, but I am available via e-mail for any specific questions about the plan. It is for people who have some experience and know what to do but need some structure to their training.

Free PDF wellness vision statement guide download

To create a path to health and wellness, you must first have a clear vision of where you want to go...

If you went on a road trip, you would first choose the destination; then you could map out how to get there. Your wellness vision statement is destination FUTURE-YOU.

When you decide what kind of life you want to live, why that is important to you, and what it means to you, you can plan the action steps needed to get there, all while aligning with your identity and values. 

Free Workout Log Download

You get stronger by slowly increasing your weights, reps, sets, or number of workouts over time! If you are guessing or going by memory, you may leave results on the table. Download my free workout log book to keep track and watch yourself improve. One of the best things we can do in our fitness journey is track our progress. 

A workout log book can help you get results by tracking your exercises, sets, reps, and weights. With each session, you can identify opportunities to gradually increase the intensity or volume of your workouts over time, leading to muscle growth, strength gains, and improved performance. By consistently recording and analyzing your progress, you can plan your training to challenge your body and achieve optimal results.

FREE! Better Foam Rolling Techniques For Improved Running Performance and Injury Prevention

Many runners give up on foam rolling before seeing any results because they think it is too painful, are not consistent, and don't use the proper techniques to progress. Foam rolling can be effective and enjoyable! Get the full benefits, and leave behind the pain by applying proper foam rolling techniques and practices.

Rocketbook Workout Templates

With Rocketbook smart notebooks, you can take notes by hand, upload, transcribe, and organize them digitally. Learn how I use it for my fitness, health, exercise tracking, and goals, plus download the free workout templates I created.

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